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My new blog


I'm in the process of converting my blog from Gatsby.js to Next.js using a template created by Timothy Lin (timlrx). I'm currently migrating the .md files from the old blog to the new one.

So far, since I have content I need to get created, I haven't made any changes to the template other than substituting information about timlrx with mine.


My Gatsby blog had some frontmatter fields in common with the new blog but other than title they were named different. For example, publishedDate is now date. I also had some custom fields that for now I'm not going to bring across. It likely isn't worth your time looking at but in the event it is, here is a mapping from old to new frontmatter

.md to .mdx

Since my existing files have not JSX in them I could leave the file extension as .md but decided to make them all .mdx to be consistent.

Not needed?

mdx supports CommonMark markdown syntax and thus does not support all markdown syntax extensions supported by GitHub flavored markdown. This additional syntax can be added via the remark-gmf. For more information on this subject see the README for remark-gmf.